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Assistant to Minister Arrested On Bribery Charges

An official from Tuzla Canton ministry of industry, energy and mining was arrested while taking 10,000 KM bribe.

Assistant to the minister of Tuzla Canton ministry of industry, energy and mining, Bahir Imamović, was arrested today while taking a bribe that would open doors to a concession license, said the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a press release.

Officers of the State Investigative and Protection Agency arrested Imamović when he took 10,000 KM of a total of 30,000 KM from an employee of Tuzla-kvarc.

Assistant to the minister solicited the bribe to doctor the procedure that would give Tuzla-kvarc a concession license to mine quartz sand in the area of Tuzla Canton said the prosecutors.

According to the prosecutors, Imamović allegedly repeatedly told the firm’s representative to take out a loan and give him the money in exchange for the concession license.

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